For the Reverse Rehearsals exhibition I co-curated at Southern Exposure it seemed only fitting that we make some sort of publication to gather together all of the writing and visual works. Artist and writer Matthew Gordon and I used this as an opportunity to collaborate. We are both active writers and makers so many of our conversations revolve around the ways these practices intersect. It seemed like the perfect project for us to work on together.
In the past year, Matt and I were both impacted by significant losses in our families, my grandmother and his grandfather. Surprisingly, both deaths triggered a generative chapter for us, particularly for Matt who discovered his grandfather had been a closeted, prolific writer. He has been writing considerably from the stacks of index cards his grandfather ceaselessly used to record his thoughts and musings over many years. Matt and I decided to create a collaborative imprint to work under called Harry and Ernie after our grandparents, with the idea that these sorts of personal losses can give way to creating and producing many more things in the future.
The process was more laborious and exhausting than we expected but we were thrilled with the results. Here are some quick shots of the final product.